love. and do it without hesitation.
embrace others and let them embrace you.
be kind. be patient. be gentle.
choose joy. just wake up and choose it.
don't let your circumstances control your ability to walk in His Kingdom. it is HIS, after all. He has opened the door for you.
join Him.
join me.
hold out your hand. take mine.
let's do this. together.
i will sing, sing, sing
to my God, my King
for all else fades away
and i will love, love, love
with this heart you've made
for you've been good, always
- All Sons & Daughters
I have had a lot on my heart today.
Through all of it, I am thankful for a God who so quickly reminds me of the joy, the love, the life that He created for me.
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
1 John 4:7